Digital Advice Service - Ipswich

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Over the last few years a small team of us have been working on a way to teach SMEs about the value of their online presence and how to map digital growth when you are not a digital native.

We ran a pilot with East Suffolk Council, working with 90 businesses at the height of the pandemic and started working on our unique process to empower business owners to use digital tools to grow their business.

This first iteration was a huge success and taught our experts what matters to businesses and how best to teach them. Our experts knew digital tools and how to use them, they also knew about business growth and steps to success, so we worked hard to learn the best way to teach businesses from within.

Our unique method uses real business data to show what’s working and what’s not! We spent hundreds of hours coaching, training and supporting hundreds of business owners until we refined our 3 step process:

Step 1.

Analyse Performance - we work with the business owners and their team to showcase the current performance data, explaining what it all means and which areas each businesses should focus on.

Step 2.

Digital Basics Education - Learn the right Digital Basics to help you create a Digital Growth Plan. Our experts will ensure you are not flooded with 'Too Much Information' while you learn about the platforms and tools your business needs.

Step 3.

Create a Digital Growth Plan.

Business come in all shapes and sizes so we take two approached, depending on where a business sits of their digital growth and skills journey.

Step 3a.

Follow our Marketing Guide, outlining activities and tracking baseline metrics to see what works for your business.

Step 3b.

Advanced growing businesses receive specialist support to harness the power of their great work and check they have explored new revenue streams.

Our latest program was in partnership with Ipswich Borough Council, where we worked with over 55 businesses using our Digital Growth Program. The results were incredible and allowed us to explore the additional value we can offer Placemakers and Economic Development teams.

So what’s next for the Digital Advice Service? Watch this space to find out more.

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The skills needed for future work


Ipswich Borough Council launches The Digital Advice Service